HR Insights Blog

3 Strategies for Managing Your Healthcare Costs

Rising healthcare costs are consistently cited in ERC’s research as a top concern among employers in…

The Importance of Vaccinations

Unless we can eliminate vaccine-preventable disease, it is important to continue immunizing. Even if there are…

Jackie Mueckenheim Joins ERC’s Training Practice

Government Shutdown: What Employers Need to Know About E-Verify

The government shutdown has resulted in not only the suspension of E-Verify, but also the temporary closure…

10 Employment Laws that Supervisors Need to Know

Supervisors and managers have a shared responsibility with HR in making sure that their interactions and relations…

5 Questions to Evaluate Your Performance Review Process

Performance management is often a challenging area for employers, and many organizations never think they are…

Integrating Incentive Pay into Your Performance Management Process

When structuring an effective Performance Management process at any organization, including some type of incentive to help…

7 Proven Ways to Attract & Retain The Next Generation

At the 2013 NorthCoast 99 event, Craig Keilburger, activist for the rights of children and cofounder of…

Leading by Example: Helping Your Employees Build Your Community

As 2013's NorthCoast 99 program clearly indicated, building great workplaces in Northeast Ohio is closely tied…

Getting in Your Fruits and Vegetables

Americans are still not consuming the daily recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables needed for…

2013/2014 Salary & Benefits Planning & Budgeting Guide

We’ve compiled a brief compensation and benefits planning and budgeting guide to help your organization make…

4 Important Guidelines for Giving Pay Increases

Pay increases are an important part of a compensation system as they aim to reward employees based…