Are Supervisors and Managers Allowed to Yell at Employees?

Are Supervisors Allowed to Yell?

Work can be stressful at times. Projects may be piling up or sales goals aren’t being met. Depending on the leadership in your organization, you may come across a supervisor or manager who tends to communicate in a more aggressive fashion, by yelling. A supervisor’s tendency to yell at employees may seem like it is the “wrong” way to manage people. But is it?

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10 Crucial Skills Supervisors Need to Have

8 Crucial Soft Skills Supervisors Need to Have soft skills training topics for employees

Soft skills are essential for successful professional development. According to research by Stanford Research Center, Harvard University, and the Carnegie Foundation, 85% of long-term job success depends on well-developed soft and people skills.

The benefits of having employees with strong soft skills include better customer service, improved communications and team interactions, stronger relationships, and increased efficiency.

Here are 10 crucial soft skills supervisors need to have:

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Span of Control: How Many Employees Should Your Supervisors Manage?

Span of Control How Many Employees Should Your Supervisors Manage supervising employees effectively ideal span of control

How many employees do your supervisors manage? Has your organization considered the effects of what narrow or wide supervisory and managerial spans of control mean for your employees and the levels of support and empowerment they receive on the job?

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Middle Management Training: The Ultimate Guide

Let’s talk about some of the unsung heroes of your organization — the middle managers. They’re often the ones translating the vision of senior leadership into actionable plans for their teams. They’re an essential link that ensures strategies are executed effectively and daily operations run smoothly.

3 Ways to Calculate Your Training & Development Budget

3 Ways to Calculate a Training & Development Budget for Your Organization

According the 2017 State of the Industry report from the Association for Talent Development, organizations spend an average of $1,273 per employee for direct learning expenditures. Organizations smaller in size spend more per employee and larger organizations spend less per employee but smaller organizations have a much smaller training budget than those larger organizations.

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The Slash Generation: Millennials in the Workplace Mix it Up

The Slash Generation: Millennials in the Workplace Mix it Up

We tend to see a lot of negative connotations and stereotypes surrounding “Millennials” in the workplace. Even though they aren’t the newest generation to enter the workforce, there is still a lot to be assumed about their work ethic and lifestyle choices from their coworkers. Recently there is a new term to describe this generation that is rather fitting. Due to their unconventional and multi-faceted career paths, Millennials have been defined as the “Slash Generation”. Not every Millennial identifies with having a ‘slash’ career, but it is becoming a very prominent trend among this generation.

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3 Reasons Why Traditional Classroom-Based Learning is Still King

3 Reasons Why Traditional Classroom-Based Learning is Still King

Online training and e-learning have become increasingly popular over the past decade. There are a number of advantages when it comes to technology-based training but do they really overshadow the advantages of traditional, classroom-based training?

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Keys to Setting Up a Training & Development Process

Keys to Setting Up a Training & Development Process

Many organizations have a training and development function of their business nowadays, whether it is one or a few staff members devoted to training and development, or an entire department. Developing a training function not only helps centralize employee training and development, but also supports an organization’s commitment to employee development. Increasingly, organizations that invest in and structure their approach to training and development have a ‘leg up” on the competition.

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