HR Insights Blog

5 Popular Recruitment Sources used by Employers

Job boards and employee referrals are the most popular sources used by Northeast Ohio employers to…

HR’s Involvement With the EEOC’s Guidelines on Criminal Backgrounds

If a background check is returned with criminal activity on it – can the employer ask…

How to Lead and Work with Teams in Your Organization

Leading effective teams can be a rewarding part of a job. But many leaders are unsure…

What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean Manufacturing concepts eliminate wasteful practices while delivering increased value to the customer, but what does…

The Do’s and Dont’s of Benchmarking and Performance Reviews

In today's team and collaborative environment, having a performance review with employees is a great communication…

Employment Applications: What to Include and What to Avoid

<p>ERC's HR Adviser Tara Haskett explains what employers should not use on their company's employment applications.…

5 Popular Methods for Interviewing Candidates

The traditional hiring process for an employer consists of roughly three stages: collect resumes, conduct an in-person…

6 Trends in Corporate Wellness and Executive Health

Workplace wellness programs continue to gain traction across the country as the benefits of these programs…

The ACA Today: Where it Stands and How it Affects Employers

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a lot of organizations have questions. Professionals…

The 5 Most Common FLSA Exemptions

The most common FLSA exemptions are white collar exemptions. They can be broken down into five…

Payroll, Taxes and Benefits, Oh My!

Human Resource professionals work daily with things like payroll and benefits inside their own organizations. But…

How to Determine if a Job is Exempt or Non-Exempt

The terms non-exempt and exempt can cause a lot of confusion for workers and employers. Exemption…