HR Insights Blog

3 Facts about Measles and the Workplace

In 2015, measles was rising health concern in the country. Organization's everywhere wondered what they should…

FMLA Expands to Include More Employees in Same-Sex Marriages

In its 20 plus years on the books, administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act…

Training Your Interns: An Investment in Your Company’s Future

Providing employees with opportunities for training and development is typically framed in terms of a long term…

6 Ways to Motivate and Retain Millennials

By 2030, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that Millennials will comprise approximately 75% of the American…

Do You Have an Interoffice Dating Policy and Guidelines?

According to a 2013 survey of 8,000 workers by the job-search website, 4 out of 10…

The State of Childcare Reimbursement in the U.S.

The Bureau of Labor reports that in 2015 there are more than 30 million working mothers…

Why Having a Compensation Strategy is a Must

How much should you pay your employees? Why should you have a compensation strategy? And when…

Paid Parental Leave: Policy, Politics, and Parenting

Although the chances of this Congress successfully passing a bill on paid parental leave are tepid…

Free Community College: What’s all the Buzz?

The average American is carrying around $27,000 in student-load debt in 2015. American's are either not…

4 Compensation Topics You Can’t Afford to Overlook

When the word "compensation" is brought up in conversation, most people assume it just refers to…

Should You Be Performing Facebook Background Checks?

When it comes to recruiting potential employees, social media has become a popular resource for finding candidates that…

Pay Period Leap Year: Handling 27 Pay Periods

If the question of, “How will you handle 27 pay periods,” doesn’t sound familiar to you,…