HR Insights Blog

4 Musts for Retaining Employees

A flurry of resignations hits your HR department or you could be facing an epidemic of…

FMLA for Domestic Violence?

The Domestic Violence Leave Act (H.R. 3151) was introduced by Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California in…

Top 5 Workplace Attributes Most Important to Top Performers

According to the results of the 2011 Top Performer Engagement Survey, conducted by ERC on over…

Top Performers Promoted Within 2 Years, On Average

A 2011 report released by ERC shows that the average time that it takes a top…

Checklist to Select Employees for Promotions & Leadership Training

Whether you are determining who to promote at the end of the year or creating a…

Top 10 Corporate Wellness Program Mistakes

If you’re grappling with low participation and minimal results in your organization’s wellness program or aren’t…

Court: Employers Have Right to Enforce Leave Policies

Nearly half of all HR professionals say they’ve approved FMLA leave requests even though they believed…

Safety Training: Pat Malone on WKYC’s Good Company

Employers Tend to Pay Shift Employees More

The results of the 2011 ERC Pay Differential Survey show that Northeast Ohio employers tend to…

4 Signs of a Struggling Manager

Employers frequently find themselves unaware of struggling managers before they end up causing deep-seated issues in…

15 Steps to Controlling FMLA Claims

CareWorks USA has outlined 15 action steps employers can take that will help them control intermittent…

Fast facts about Section 408(b)(2)

Section 408(b)(2), a 2012 regulation for retirement plan fiduciaries enacted by the Department of Labor, was…