What is an HR Compliance Audit and Why Do You Need It?

HR Compliance Audit meeting

HR and business leaders are responsible for ensuring that their organization is aligned with current best practices and compliant with employment laws. Conducting periodic HR compliance audits can protect your company by catching any issues before they become problems or employee complaints.

In plain terms, an HR audit examines your current policies, handbooks, and procedures to check if they measure up to evolving regulations. While compliance may not sound exciting, it’s incredibly important today as laws and best practices frequently change. Doing regular check-ups reduces exposure to risks like lawsuits or fines down the road.

“Regular HR compliance audits are not just about ticking boxes; they’re about identifying opportunities for strategic improvements aligned with real business goals.”

Allison Kenney, Manager of HR Advisory Services

In this article, we’ll review what’s involved in a human resources audit, why it matters, and tips to keep your HR department complaint.

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What is the Difference Between Benefits and Perks?

What’s the Difference between Benefits and Perks?

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