What is an HR Compliance Audit and Why Do You Need It?

What is an HR Compliance Audit and Why Do You Need It?

HR and business leaders are responsible for ensuring that their organization is aligned with current best practices and compliant with employment laws. Conducting periodic HR compliance audits can protect your company by catching any issues before they become problems or employee complaints.

In plain terms, an HR audit examines your current policies, handbooks, and procedures to check if they measure up to evolving regulations. While compliance may not sound exciting, it’s incredibly important today as laws and best practices frequently change. Doing regular check-ups reduces exposure to risks like lawsuits or fines down the road.

“Regular HR compliance audits are not just about ticking boxes; they’re about identifying opportunities for strategic improvements aligned with real business goals.”

Allison Kenney, Manager of HR Advisory Services

In this article, we’ll review what’s involved in a human resources audit, why it matters, and tips to keep your HR department complaint.

Understanding HR Audits

An HR Compliance Audit is a thorough review process designed to ensure your organization’s HR practices, policies, and procedures are in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It evaluates everything from your hiring processes to your exit interviews, ensuring every aspect of HR is up to legal standards.

Key Components

An HR compliance audit looks into:

  • Policies and Procedures: Are they up-to-date and legal?
  • Employee Handbooks: Do they accurately communicate company policies?
  • Employment Laws Compliance: Are you meeting all legal requirements?
  • Employee Records and Files: Are they properly maintained and secured?

Why are HR Compliance Audits Important?

Mitigating Legal Risks and Financial Penalties

Non-compliance with HR regulations can expose your business to significant legal risks and financial penalties. Laws and regulations are constantly evolving, and failing to adhere to them can result in hefty fines and legal battles that not only drain resources but also divert focus from core business operations.

Avoiding Reputational Damage

The impact of non-compliance extends beyond finances and legalities; it can tarnish your company’s reputation. In today’s digital age, news of non-compliance can spread quickly, potentially deterring top talent and affecting customer trust and loyalty.

Identifying and Addressing Compliance Gaps

HR compliance audits play a crucial role in proactively identifying gaps in your HR practices. By thoroughly reviewing policies, procedures, and documentation, audits reveal areas of risk before they escalate into costly legal issues. This proactive approach allows businesses to maintain compliance, foster a positive workplace culture, and ensure operational efficiency.

“Imagine you’re driving a car; HR audits are like using a GPS to find the best route. They point out where you might go off track with laws and regulations, helping you steer clear and get to your destination safely.”

Allison Kenney, Manager of HR Advisory Services

HR compliance audits are not for regulatory purposes, but they can also be a strategic tool that safeguards your business against risks, ensures a fair and compliant workplace, and supports your company’s long-term success and reputation in the market.

The HR Process Audit

The HR Audit Process is a straightforward way to check that your company’s HR activities meet compliance standards and work effectively. It involves evaluating important areas like recordkeeping, policies, selection and hiring, wage and hour compliance, and safety to prevent any issues.

Steps Involved

  1. Preparation: Collaborate with an HR expert or consultant to establish the audit’s scope, focusing on key areas like employment practices, selection and hiring, and compliance.
  2. Review: Collect and examine documents and practices related to employee benefits, classifications, and safety to identify potential compliance issues.
  3. Interviews: Conduct interviews with HR staff and other key staff members to gather insights on the application of policies and procedures.

Who Should Perform the Audit

Performing an HR Audit Internally

  • Pros: Internal team members are already familiar with the company’s operations, culture, and employees. This inside knowledge can make the audit process smoother and more efficient, as they may know where potential issues lie.
  • Cons: The drawbacks of performing an audit internally are the potential for bias, the lack of experience performing an audit, and the significant amount of time taken away from an internal team’s day-to-day duties. Being part of the organization, internal team members might overlook, intentionally or not, some compliance issues to avoid conflicts or because of pre-existing perceptions. Plus, an HR audit requires knowledge of a wide breadth of HR compliance topics.

Using an HR Expert or Consultant to Perform an HR Audit

  • Pros: External auditors bring a fresh perspective, free from internal politics or biases. Their specialization in HR compliance means they’re up to date with the latest laws and best practices, which can provide insights into areas the company may have missed. In addition, bringing in an external consultant means an organization doesn’t have to take their internal team away from their normal duties and responsibilities.
  • Cons: An outside consultant will have to gain familiarity with the company’s specific context.

“Having someone from outside your company do the HR audit can give you an impartial view into your HR policies and procedures. They’re not swayed by internal politics or past decisions, so they give you the unbiased advice you need to make your workplace better for everyone.”

Allison Kenney, Manager of HR Advisory Services

When deciding between internal and external auditors, consider the cost of your internal team’s time, the complexity of your HR operations, the level of expertise within your existing HR team, and the potential for internal biases to affect the audit’s outcomes. In some cases, a hybrid approach—using internal staff for preliminary review and an external consultant for a more detailed and expert-driven analysis—can balance the benefits of both, ensuring a thorough and unbiased audit.

Audit Focus Areas

An HR compliance audit dives into key aspects like keeping accurate employee records, fair hiring practices, ensuring employees are paid correctly, providing proper benefits, and maintaining a safe workplace. It’s essential for meeting compliance standards and creating a good work environment.

  • Employee Recordkeeping: Ensure accurate and secure maintenance of employee records, including employment contracts and eligibility documents.
  • Policy Administration: Review internal policies to guarantee they align with current laws and best practices, ensuring clarity and fairness in policy communication.
  • Selection and Hiring Evaluation: Examine selection processes and interview questions for fairness and compliance with employment laws, emphasizing non-discriminatory practices.
  • Wage and Hour Compliance: Verify correct classification of non-exempt employees and adherence to wage laws, ensuring employees receive fair pay and benefits.
  • Benefits Administration: Assess benefits packages to ensure they meet legal requirements and are administered fairly and accurately across all employee levels.
  • Workplace Safety: Evaluate safety policies and practices, prioritizing employee safety and compliance with workplace safety regulations.

The Benefits of an HR Compliance Audit

Regularly conducting HR compliance audits offers real workplace improvements across the board, from mitigating compliance risks to developing a workplace that attracts and retains top-performing talent.

  • Boosting Efficiency and Culture: Regular HR audits streamline operations, ensuring that every process from hiring to employee management is as efficient as possible. This leads to a workplace where positivity thrives, directly uplifting employee morale.
  • Enhancing Retention and Attraction: By adopting best practices identified through audits, businesses can significantly improve employee retention and satisfaction. A supportive environment encourages staff to stay longer and attracts top talent.
  • Risk Mitigation: Audits pinpoint potential risks and compliance gaps, allowing businesses to take preemptive actions. This not only ensures legal compliance but also protects against financial and reputational damages.

HR Compliance Audit Best Practices

To make sure your HR policies and practices are up-to-date and compliant, it’s smart to get into a good routine with your HR check-ups.

  • Regular Scheduling: Checking HR policies, practices, and records at least once a year can help make sure your company remains compliant, reduces risk, and is keeping pace with the latest rules and regulations.
  • Continuous Improvement: Audits aren’t just about finding problems; they’re a powerful tool for continuous improvement. Use the insights gained to refine HR practices, making them more effective and aligned with both legal requirements and your company’s goals.

Take the Next Steps Toward HR Compliance

Ready to ensure your HR practices are up to date and as effective as they should be? It’s time to take a closer look at how your business handles HR. Consider investing in an HR compliance audit to identify any gaps or areas for improvement. Start today by visiting ERC’s HR Compliance Audit page for more information.


  • Susan Pyles

    An award-winning human resource leader, Susan is ERC’s Vice President of Professional Development. In her role, she oversees the delivery of all client service solutions. Susan brings more than 20 years of achievements in talent management and assessment, performance management, employee experience, HR analytics, leadership development, coaching, and workforce planning. She has leadership experience in many industries, including manufacturing, retail, financial services, health care, and academia.