HR Insights Blog

Hiring Felons: 6 Rules Employers Need to Know

Does your organization have a policy against not hiring felons or people convicted of a crime? Do…

An Introduction to Background Checks for Employers

For the new HR professional, and perhaps even for more seasoned HR managers, the process of…

4 Guidelines for Managing Pregnancy & Maternity in the Workplace

Before your organization doesn't hire, promote, or accommodate your next pregnant employee—beware—because pregnancy-related lawsuits are increasing…

Hiring Practices: Checking Up on Job Candidates

With an average “cost-per-hire” of just over $4,500 reported by Northeast Ohio organizations in 2013, making…

Affordable Care Act Employer Mandate Delayed Until 2015

The Treasury Department announced this Tuesday that it will be delaying the employer "pay or play"…

Local Wellness Programs and the ACA

Based on the results of the 2013-2014 ERC Policies & Benefits survey, Northeast Ohio employers are…

When Work Gets Personal: Managing Emotional Employees

Emotions are everywhere in your workplace, and dealing with them at work is unavoidable. Emotions are…

3 Ways to Lead with Emotional Intelligence & Heart

Emotional intelligence is at the core of great leadership. Exceptional leaders lead emotionally and from the…

5 Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Fully Engaged

Employee engagement is an employee's involvement with, commitment to, and satisfaction with their work. It is…

The Top 5 Characteristics of a Leader

What defines a leader? What makes individuals excel in leadership roles? How do we develop and…

5 Tips to Fix Your Performance Review Process

Most organizations find that their performance review process is broken and faulty process in their organization.…

New Pay Adjustment Projections Line Up With 2012 Data

Based upon the results of the 2013 ERC Pay Adjustment & Incentive Practices Survey, many Northeast…