What a Manager Needs to Know to Drive Project Success

The challenge in project success rests in the ability to deliver to the desired business goal in the desired time frame and within the available budget. These three forces:  time, cost, and quality, are often in conflict with each other. The Project Management Institute (PMI) has defined nine body of knowledge areas that when followed, would increase probability of project success. However, if you are not a full-time project manager and still want to increase your project results, follow these three project management principles:

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Health Insurance Premiums Rise for Northeast Ohio Employers

A 2010 survey released by ERC reports that on average, Northeast Ohio employers’ health insurance premiums rose 15.2% in 2010.  In terms of industry differences, local non-profit organizations saw the lowest average percent increase in health insurance premium, while manufacturing organizations reported the highest average percent increase.

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Are Your Supervisors Prepared for These 5 Challenges?


The following is a complimentary audit and assessment consisting of key questions your organization should ask to determine if your supervisors and managers have the appropriate skills and competencies to combat the most common management pitfalls. Additionally, tips we frequently recommend to organizations in addressing these pitfalls are summarized.

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Survey Reports National Pay Trends for HR Positions

A 2011 analysis conducted by ERC reports how pay for various HR positions in Northeast Ohio compares to pay provided by employers across the U.S, based on data from the 2010-2011 EAA National Wage & Salary Survey. In general, a comparison of salaries for HR positions among employers across the U.S. and just Northeast Ohio employers shows that local employers pay higher-level HR positions (manager and above) near or above the median salary reported by employers across the U.S. Local employers, however, appear to be pay lower-level HR positions, such as generalists and assistants, lower than the median salary reported by employers across the U.S.

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