The preliminary findings of the 2011 ERC/NOCHE Intern/Recent Grad Pay Rates & Practices Survey show several trends in intern and recent grad employment and compensation practices.
- Over 70% of employers plan to increase or maintain the number of interns they employ, consistent with trends seen over the past three years.
- 68% of employers are in the process of hiring or have plans to hire new college graduates this year.
- Organizations are increasingly using interns and new graduates to develop their talent pipeline rather than using them for simply workforce support and special projects.
- Nearly three-quarters of employers say that they offer at least some of their interns employment after the internship.
- Work experience is becoming an even more crucial criterion for employers when hiring interns, rising in importance from years past.
View the Intern & Recent Graduate Pay Rates & Practices Survey
This survey reports data from Northeast Ohio employers about their internship and recent graduate employment and pay practices.