Leadership coaching professionals are focused on improving the performance of leaders and moving their organizations forward. ERC coaches work with individual leaders and high-potential employees to help them gain self-awareness, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as sounding boards.

By asking questions, coaches help leaders clarify and solve problems. Combined with optional assessments, leadership coaching helps individuals understand their current competencies, see how they’re perceived by others, and focus on identifying and clarifying current goals as well as the appropriate action steps to reach those goals.

Benefits of Leadership & High-Potential Coaching

Leadership coaching significantly increases the effectiveness of training and produces breakthrough change. Our certified and trained coaches are results-focused and bring the responsibility for sustainable change to an individual level – whether the objectives are qualitative, quantitative, or both.

Offer Unbiased Support

ERC leadership coaches offer an unbiased, third-party perspective to executives and high-performing individuals. Unlike employees, ERC coaches offer impartial feedback that is not tinted by competing aims or vested interests.

Encourage & Motivate

Leaders at the top of organizations can get lonely. They often don’t have anyone within their organizational hierarchy whom they can bounce ideas off of. A coach can fill this role, and in turn, motivate and empower the leader to act with confidence.

Drive Awareness to Create Change

Through inquiry and questioning, executive coaches help leaders self-reflect and identify opportunities for change that they are not able to see by themselves. A coach also serves as an accountability partner to ensure the executive maintains progress and does not lapse on their efforts to create change.

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4 Keys to Leadership Coaching

There are many factors that go into an effective executive coaching intervention, but there are four that stand out as being essential for success. Read about the four elements of effective leadership coaching in this blog post!