HR Insights Blog

Time Management

Time-Off Roundup: Holidays, Unlimited Vacation and More

Vacation policy: it may be one of the most important components of the compensation package to…

Is Your Office Halloween Party Scaring the HR Department?

The upcoming holiday season always brings with it an assortment of potential HR headaches (think vacation…

Free Printable Daylight Savings Time Change Poster – Fall 2014

Download this handy printable Daylight Savings Time Change Poster for Fall 2014 to alert your staff of the impending…

What To Do When You Don’t Have a Policy in Place

We've all been there. Something questionable happens in the workplace with an employee, but there is…

An Introduction to Benchmarking and Performance Reviews

In today's team and collaborative environment, having a performance review with employees is a great communication and evaluation…

Engage! Cleveland presents Cleveland Young Professional Week

As Human Resource professionals we all know how important it is to attract and retain talent…

The Pros & Cons of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

The relationship between work and home is constantly changing, with more people telecommuting and using their…

3 Technology and Social Media Policies To Consider

Many technologies aim to make our lives better and make our work lives more efficient. These…

5 Potential Benefits of Telecommuting

It’s Monday morning. You hear the beeping noise from your alarm clock. You get up, ready…

Challenges of an Aging Workforce: The Non-Profit Perspective

Recently, much attention is being paid on a global scale to the negative impact that an…

Can Fantasy Football Be Good for the Workplace?

Even though summer may be coming to an end, it doesn’t mean winter boots and hot…

3 Surprising Social Media Uses for HR

When we hear "social media" and "HR" in the same sentence, it's usually in a negative…