Looking to improve your team’s communication skills or the communication skills of your managers and supervisors? This training course gives managers and supervisors the skills to connect better, listen actively, and adapt their communication style to lead more effectively. It includes Wiley’s DiSC assessment to help participants better understand their preferred style of communication as well as others’ communication styles.

Course Overview

Introduction to Meaningful Communication

  • Role of Communication in Management: Explore how effective communication is an important ingredient to successful leadership and the direct impact it has on overall organizational performance.
  • Enhancing Communication Quality: Learn strategies to turn basic interactions into meaningful communication that engages and motivates teams.

Building Relationships and Rapport

  • Importance of Strong Relationships: We’ll discuss the significance of establishing strong relationships as a manager or supervisor, focusing on how trust and understanding can impact team performance.
  • Developing Rapport: Learn how to address the key challenges in building rapport across teams.

Non-Verbal Communication

  • Impact of Body Language and Tone: Discover how non-verbal cues and tone of voice influence team interactions, perceptions, and their effects on the workplace.
  • Aligning Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication: We’ll share methods to ensure consistency between what is said and how it is conveyed, helping managers and supervisors improve clarity and reception.

Mastering Active Listening

  • Core Skills of Active Listening: Focus on the essential components of active listening and its importance in creating an inclusive and responsive management style.
  • Overcoming Listening Barriers: Identify common obstacles to effective listening and discuss techniques to overcome these.

Social Style Awareness

  • Understanding Social Styles: We’ll explore the concept of social styles in the workplace and the importance of recognizing everyone’s individual styles and those of others.
  • Adapting Communication Styles: Explore the challenges and opportunities in adapting communication approaches to different social styles with the goal of improving the effectiveness of manager/employee interactions.

Get Training Details & Pricing

Contact us for information about pricing, program details, or to schedule training.

Who Should Register for this Communication Skills Course

Newly promoted supervisor

New Supervisors and Managers

New managers or those recently promoted into supervisory roles often face challenges transitioning from peer to leader. The course will provide them with communication strategies to establish credibility, build rapport, and effectively lead their teams.

Supervisor who has never been in formal training

Experienced Managers Facing Team Dynamics Challenges

Even experienced supervisors and managers can encounter difficulties in managing diverse or complex team dynamics. This course can help with advanced communication techniques, including adapting to different social styles and developing better active listening skills to improve the productivity and cohesion of any team.

Supervisor who wants to develop leadership skills

Managers and Supervisors on a Leadership Path

Supervisors and middle managers on a path to leadership roles must learn and demonstrate exceptional communication skills. The course will help them master both verbal and non-verbal communication, and important skills for working with more senior stakeholders and leading large teams.

Key Learning Outcomes

More Meaningful Communication

Participants will learn to improve their daily interactions and conversations, helping to ensure their messages are not just heard but also inspire and engage their teams.

Building Relationships and Rapport

Attendees will learn how to build and maintain strong relationships, creating an environment where rapport and mutual respect actually positively impact team performance.

Improved Non-Verbal Communication

This course will equip managers with the ability to use body language and tone of voice to complement their verbal interactions.

Better Active Listening Skills

Participants will develop active listening skills that lead to a more inclusive leadership style and a better understanding of their team’s needs.

Ability to Adapt to Diverse Social Styles

Managers will learn to identify and adapt to various social and communication styles, helping them connect with and lead their teams.

Strategic Communication

The course will prepare attendees to adapt their communication tactics based on situational needs, from communication with direct reports to peers to leadership teams.

Delivery Methods

We work with organizations to create a customized training solution, and we deliver the courses nationwide in a variety of formats. Our training program can be delivered in-person or virtually depending on your company’s needs. Training sessions can be delivered in half-day, full-day, or one-day workshop formats.

Prior to training, ERC performs an assessment of your organization’s needs to recommend the right structure and content. Modules can be customized based on the needs of your organization and training participants.

Traditional Classroom Format

Our traditional classroom format can be delivered at your organization, a facility of your choice, or at ERC’s Training Center. This format is best suited for small groups with no more than 25 people per class.

Virtual Format

Our virtual format is delivered live and can accommodate larger groups.

Led by Experienced Trainers

While some supervisory training programs are led by trainers who have never been in a supervisory or management role, ERC’s trainers bring decades of on-the-job supervisory, management, and leadership experience.

Our trainers pride themselves on being able to connect with today’s supervisors and frontline managers on the challenges and opportunities of the job.

Tom Ault

Tom Ault

bio photo of ERC Trainer Chris Powers

Chris Powers

bio photo of ERC Trainer Nada Djordjevich

Nada Djordevich

Damon Linder

Damon Lindor

Frequently Asked Questions

This course covers all of the essential forms of communication that managers and supervisors will use on the job, including verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Participants will improve their interpersonal skills, learning everything from how to effectively use eye contact to how to use nonverbal cues to improve interactions.

Effective communication is a key skill for any effective manager—it helps clearly communicate direction, successfully use various communication channels, and coach their team members effectively. With the right communication skills, managers and supervisors can have a positive influence on their teams. This leads to more effective teams that are well-informed and aligned with organizational goals.

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflict, and can even lead to managers and supervisors being known as difficult people. When managers show poor communication skills, it can hinder building trust within the team—this lack of trust can eventually lead to decreased productivity and even employee turnover.