When it comes to hiring, looking at the competencies of a candidate can support your talent management strategies. Looking at job-related competencies helps with selection, promotion, training and development, performance management, career planning, and succession planning.
According to research by William C. Byham, Ph.D., competencies are “the behaviors, knowledge, and motivation require to achieve objectives, and they facilitate reaching particular objectives.”
By utilizing competency-based interviewing in your talent management and hiring processes, you can strategically determine the behaviors, knowledge, and motivations required to achieve certain objectives related to the different job requirements. Competency-based selection decisions can also be made more quickly and accurately.
Byham’s research also notes the various benefits of a competency-based approach:
- Interviewers are able to “pursue detailed information” because they have a set list of competencies to be looking for
- There is less margin for error because the interviewer has clear competency targets
- Interview questions can be strategically decided to cover multiple competencies “to increase the quantity of information obtained
If you are experiencing troubles with turnover or engagement due to the “wrong-fit” and selection issues, try incorporating competency-based interviewing into your strategy.
Here are a few sample competency-based interviewing questions:
1. Can you tell me about a time when you identified a new solution to a work-related problem?
This question is designed to test problem-solving and analytical skills.
2. Give me an example of an instance in which you handled workplace conflict.
This will help assess multiple competencies such as problem solving, resiliency, communication, and initiative.
3. What is your brainstorming process?
This will help identify where the candidate’s strengths are when it comes to strategic-thinking, communication, motivation, and judgment.
Before asking candidates competency-based questions, develop a strategic approach to your selection processes.
You can begin by developing a list of competencies such as resiliency, organization, communication, sales ability, and more.
Then go through current job descriptions, research positions, and talk with managers and leadership to identify which competencies each position at your organization should require.
This process can be very time consuming and tedious but may greatly benefit your organization (and HR department) in the near future and for years to come.