From Leader to Leader: ERC President Kelly Keefe Talks Talent Attraction: Job Postings

From Leader to Leader: ERC President Kelly Keefe Talks Talent Attraction: Job Postings

From Leader to Leader 850 x 445 - Talent Attraction-1The new year is a great time to hit the refresh button and get back to basics. So, while an article about job postings may not sound flashy or groundbreaking, take a moment to reframe the purpose of a job posting.

Instead of a mundane list of required skills, think about your job postings as your organization’s first chance to make a good impression and attract candidates who fit in terms of skills and culture.

Based on ERC’s NorthCoast 99 data, award-winning organizations in Northeast Ohio are maximizing the impact of their job postings and turning a basic HR task into an invaluable talent attraction tool.

What’s Included in Job Postings at Top Organizations

More than the standard qualifications and benefits, NorthCoast 99 winning organizations include, on average, 15 elements in their job descriptions.

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In contrast, outside of the context of the NorthCoast 99 winners, ERC’s research shows that Northeast Ohio companies typically include closer to nine elements with a focus primarily on the basics, i.e., job knowledge/skills, minimum qualifications, location, etc.

At the surface, the difference between the two groups surveyed may not seem consequential, and the lower number may even seem superior in terms of brevity.

However, when compared one-to-one, this difference can be accounted for largely in the “cultural” aspects – the critical information that not only sets your organization apart from the competition but is also less apparent to job seekers.

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You can have a stellar culture, but prospective candidates won’t know unless you tell them! (In short, a job posting is no place to be humble.)

Additional, more unique values and benefits that NorthCoast 99 winners noted in their job descriptions include:

  • Highlights about living in the Northeast Ohio region
  • A detailed description of the work environment
  • How each job directly impacts the organization’s larger purpose
  • Perks, such as summer hours, paid volunteer time off, on-site amenities, etc.
  • Compensation-related items, such as sign-on bonuses and recent merit increase percentages

3 Ways to Assess & Improve Your Job Descriptions

So, as we all look to start off strong in 2023, let’s resolve to take job descriptions up a notch. We recommend the following steps to ensure your postings are both useful as well as reflective of what your organization is truly about:

1. Review your current postings and ask yourself, “would you want to work for you?”

2. Talk to, or, survey new hires to find out what resonated with them in the postings.

3. Ask longer-term employees to try to define your work culture if it is missing from your job descriptions.

Once you collect this information, consider getting your marketing team involved. Together, you can create a job posting that truly shows off your organization and lets its true colors shine!


  • Kelly Keefe

    An award-winning business leader and human resources professional, Kelly is the first female president in ERC’s 104-year history.Kelly believes that people are an organization’s most valuable asset, and each person needs the right tools and training to be successful. She lives out this belief daily by providing our staff with coaching, counseling, and skill assessment.