From Leader to Leader: ERC President Kelly Keefe Talks Recruitment Strategies

From Leader to Leader: ERC President Kelly Keefe Talks Recruitment Strategies

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Two years of record-breaking employee turnover during the Great Resignation frustrates many employers that wonder where to find new hires who will stay and thrive at their organizations. Based on the results from our recent Recruitment Strategy Survey, the solution to your recruitment woes might be right in front of you. (Bonus: It might even save you time and money!)

Most Popular Recruitment Resources & Strategies

When we asked HR managers from 57 participating Member organizations in Northeast Ohio to list all their recruitment resources and strategies, collectively they identified 30 different approaches. Here are the top five most popular strategies!

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Most Successful Recruitment Tools

We also asked them to select their most successful recruiting tool and tallied the number of organizations choosing each tool. Below are the top five most successful recruitment tools, as reported in the survey.

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Given the responses, our Recruitment Strategy Survey shows the best source for new hires is an employee referral program.

Why Employee Referral Programs Are Successful

Your employees are well connected in the community and want to help their company and their friends succeed.

Employees who are happy and proud to work in your organization tell their friends and families, spreading a positive reputation. Like a matchmaker, employees who make referrals know both parties and think you would make a good connection.

More importantly, involving employees in recruitment shows you appreciate your current associates so much that you trust their judgment when building the team. When you hire someone they recommend, you increase the engagement of both employees.

Financial incentives for employee referrals may not be necessary, but they certainly help motivate employees to make the effort. If you go this route, make sure you have a process in place for keeping employees informed about available jobs.

From our perspective, it makes sense to invest your team’s best efforts in employee referral programs. That doesn’t mean ignoring other options that have worked well for you. Rather than create busy work, focus on what produces the best results.

Whatever you do, measure it. Data matters.


  • Kelly Keefe

    An award-winning business leader and human resources professional, Kelly is the first female president in ERC’s 104-year history.Kelly believes that people are an organization’s most valuable asset, and each person needs the right tools and training to be successful. She lives out this belief daily by providing our staff with coaching, counseling, and skill assessment.