Leadership coaching helps leaders understand their strengths and developmental areas while using a practical, targeted approach to increase their effectiveness.  When appropriate, a 360-degree assessment is used to support the development and implementation of a practical, skill and behavior-based action plan.

How a 360-Degree Review Works

A 360-degree review focuses directly on a leader’s skills and the contributions they make to an organization. The feedback provides the leader with a balanced view of how others perceive their work contributions, specifically in areas such as leadership, teamwork, interpersonal communication and interaction, management, work habits, accountability, and vision.

Also known as multi-rater feedback, ERC’s 360-degree feedback assessment is a process through which feedback is gathered anonymously from managers, peers, and direct reports. The feedback is both quantitative (ratings on leadership behaviors) and qualitative (open-ended responses on strengths and areas of opportunities). We also provide the leader with a self-assessment.

Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback Assessments

  • Understand the leadership challenges, competencies, and behaviors deemed important by their organization
  • Increase self-awareness by understanding their strengths and development opportunities in their current leadership role
  • Determine where gaps exist between their intentions and others’ perceptions and develop strategies to better align them
  • Identify the next steps in their leadership development and align those actions with the strategic needs of the organization

ERC coaches will orchestrate the 360-degree feedback assessment and review. They will help the leader identify their raters, provide template communication to request the assessments, and conduct a feedback review session with the leader. Our enhanced level packages include action plan development and implementation coaching.

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4 Keys to Executive Coaching

There are many factors that go into an effective executive coaching intervention, but there are four that stand out as being essential for success. Read about the four elements of effective executive coaching in this blog post!